- 在线沙盒,想怎么玩就怎么玩;
- 沙盒中有近乎无限的游戏,规则由你决定;
- 你决定着多人游戏中物体之间的交互;
- 在自定义模式中创造自己的游戏;
- 就像真实世界中一样,你可以抓起、摇晃、扔掉任何物体;
- 同一局游戏中最多允许8人参与;
- 无缝存储和加载游戏;
- 多种预设的游戏模式,并提供创造自己游戏的选项;
- 多重360°全景式背景;
- 预设游戏有:西洋双陆棋战、牌类、跳棋、中式跳棋、骰子游戏、多米诺骨牌、麻将、印度双骰游戏、扑克、翻转棋、纸牌。
1. 用WINRAR软件解压缩游戏到硬盘上
2. 开始游戏
Tabletop Simulator - Tortuga 1667(新)
Tabletop Simulator - Pillars of Eternity: Lords of the Eastern Reach
Tabletop Simulator - Darkest Night
Tabletop Simulator - The Red Dragon Inn:The Great Dinosaur Rush
Tabletop Simulator - The Red Dragon Inn: Battle For Greyport
Tabletop Simulator - Three Kingdoms Redux
Tabletop Simulator - Kickstarter Pointer
Tabletop Simulator - Kickstarter Gold
Tabletop Simulator - Superfight
Tabletop Simulator - Cosmic Encounter Connector
Tabletop Simulator - Euphoria
Tabletop Simulator - Superfight: The Orange Deck
Tabletop Simulator - Cosmic Incursion
Tabletop Simulator - Mistfall
Tabletop Simulator - Superfight: The Red Deck
Tabletop Simulator - Darkest Night
Tabletop Simulator - Tiny Epic Galaxies
Tabletop Simulator - Battle For Souls
Tabletop Simulator - Cosmic Conflict
Tabletop Simulator - Scythe
Tabletop Simulator - RARRR!!
Tabletop Simulator - Tiny Epic Kingdoms
Tabletop Simulator - In the Name of Odin
Tabletop Simulator - Indonesia
Tabletop Simulator - Scuttle!
Tabletop Simulator - Warfighter
Tabletop Simulator - Spirits of the Rice Paddy
Tabletop Simulator - The Captain Is Dead
Tabletop Simulator - Zombicide
Tabletop Simulator - Mr. Game!
Tabletop Simulator - Cosmic Alliance
Tabletop Simulator - Simurgh
Tabletop Simulator - Wizard's Academy
Tabletop Simulator - Three Cheers For Master
Tabletop Simulator - Cosmic Storm
Tabletop Simulator - Viticulture
Tabletop Simulator - Tiny Epic Defenders
Tabletop Simulator - Darkrock Ventures
Tabletop Simulator - Tiny Epic Western
Tabletop Simulator - Xia: Legends of a Drift System
Tabletop Simulator - Cosmic Dominion
Tabletop Simulator - Abraca...What?
Tabletop Simulator - Khronos Hunter
Tabletop Simulator - Cavern Tavern